Since some of you don't get what I meant by "the mouse won't change for the button in my sig", I made this.
I didn't feel like typing all of the tutorial in the SWF, I regret it now that we have this new theme, since I could lose the SWF file but losing this thread would take a lot longer.
Since I had the picture in my files, I decided to re-use it. My character is the example. The one under "Button" is the one that will change your mouse and auto switch. Mouse over it to change it. Click it to change it. Release from the click and it will go back to Mouseover.
The one under "Movie Clip" is what I was referring to in my signature. Notice how when you mouse over it, it does not change itself or your mouse? Try clicking on it however and it will go through the same cycle as the button one.
THAT is how I could easily hide a very small button in a signature such as my own. I could make my own "gallery" in one of my signatures and you guys would never know... unless you decompiled it, since I don't care to protect my simple stuff.
Lastly, I did put one random hidden thing in this one. No need to decompile to find out, I'll just tell you this time. Color.
- Spoiler:
In the bottom left side of the Flash, there is a small -. Click on it as you would with the Movie Clip character and it will change.
Easy as that.