Our Pride Has Fallen
What do you think this forum is?
On first look, we do look like an awesome server.
But as you start to look around, you notice something.
Who is this person named French, and why is everyone so mad at him?
This is very simple to answer.
Who is French?
A former moderator, and commonly known as
Frenchie or some name like that.
If he is a mod, why are you mad?
This, my dear, is very simple. He single-handedly
caused the ruthless takeover of a peaceful Lemon
loving community.
How'd he do that?
That is a bit more complicated.
See, French was a fun moderator who could
not type once. A fun loving person, indeed.
But French started making a few mistakes.
Fatal, deadly, mistakes.
Costing us of this peaceful server right here.
What were his mistakes?
Well, he was just not an overall good lemon.
He seemed really fun, but he turned sour overtime.
He must have gotten over the lag and downtime and
such, so he did something immature and costly.
He gave away the information of other mods, like
another moderator, Sleepy, did. In some of it, he lied.
Etheir way, he made the people owning the site
have to close it, and now he regrets it. His friends
don't understand or have ended up hating him now.
Who were the mods?
A star by there name means they were great mods.
By great, I mean who WEREN'T just regrets.
Who are you?
Well, the whole reason for this name was to stay hidden.
But it must not really be a secret, because everyone
should no by the way I type.
My name is Neki, and I watched LemonStory fall.